Hari ini genap usia putera sulung pelakon Nora Danish iaitu Putra Rayqal Ramli yang ke-10 tahun.
Hasil perkongsian Nora bersama bekas suami, Jejai atau nama sebenarnya Rizal Ashram Ramli, Rayqal kini sudah membesar dengan baik dan sihat.
Momen indah itu dikongsikan heroin filem Bencinta itu di akaun Instagram, sekali gus mengimbau kembali detik terindah saat membesarkan Rayqal.
“7th January 2009 at 11.40pm he was born. Putra Rayqal Ramli , the name Rayqal was given by his daddy. Yusuff was the actual plan but somehow saya akur dengan nama itu.
“When he was born , i was 26 years old. Membesarkan Rayqal dengan sendiri bersama bantuan my mother’s , Mama & Mummy @rajanoora.. merekalah suami saya ketika itu. From day one I did my check up mummy teman, sampailah masuk labour room nak melahirkan,” tulis Nora.
Dalam pada itu, Nora turut mengimbau kembali saat membesarkan Rayqal.
“I remembered my first argument that I had with mummy when Rayqal was still dalam pantang, mummy insisted untuk Rayqal tido Di rumah mummy & I was so upset. Hahah. Those days. Kalau semua nak tawu, Rayqal loves his Tah & Atok first , baru mommy dia n the rest. Heheh. That shows how much love Tah & atok curahkan. & I am so blessed. Syukur sangat. Sebab tu pertalian antara kami tidak pernah putus walau macam mana pun. Cuz we are more like a family then ex in laws.
“To tell u the truth, i was not strong at all when I was pregnant Rayqal. I cried everyday but at the same time I need to be strong for my baby , my fans , my family who always there to support me day & night. I was lost. I had nightmares, i cudnt sleep well. I prayed everyday , baca yasin everyday , & mama had to give me air yasin to drink from Ustaz Harun Din just to make sure that I’m ok n will be ok. Something that I don’t want anyone in this world to experience.
And Alhamdullilah , all that disappeared when I saw him, my putra for the first time , I held him tight, n he opened his little sepet eyes n looked at me while I fed him. Then I realised , He is the reason. He is why! He is my kekuatan! He is my Anugerah! He is the love of my life. & I know straight away that I will be OK! Rayqal’s father & me (Jejai) , will always be a good friend, cuz we both know what is the best for the both of us,” tulis Nora panjang.
Nora juga sempat berkongsi pengalamnnya ketika berada di mahkamah semasa proses penceraian dengan Jejai.
“Semasa mahkamah nak bercerai pun kita boleh gelak gelak cuz ketawa kan orang lain dalam kandang mahkamah. Our relationship is one in a mil. Hahahha. Bro fer life !
“I sedar & belajar banyak dalam Hal ini, Allah akan duga kita, mungkin sampai tidak tertanggung, tetapi ujian itulah yang akan buat kita jadi lebih baik di masa akan datang,” tulis Nora lagi.
Selain itu, Nora juga meraikan ulang tahun hari jadi Rayqal yang diadakan secara sederhana tetapi meriah.
Foto : Instagram Nora Danish
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