Siti Saleha Terima Asia Model Awards 2020, Tahniah!


Pelakon, Siti Saleha memaklumkan dirinya telah menerima anugerah Asia Model Awards yang dianjurkan oleh Asia Model Festival di Seoul, Korea Selatan.

Lalu, bintang drama bersiri 7 Hari Mencintaiku 2 ini memanjat rasa syukur dan berkongsi berita gembira itu bersama peminat di Instagram.

Dalam pada itu, Saleha memberitahu dirinya tidak pernah menyangka akan berjaya memenangi anugerah tersebut.

“My first International Win Such wonderful news being selected by the Asia Model Festival Organizing Committee 2020 in Seoul as the recipient for the Asia Model Awards.

“During the time of this pandemic came this unexpected announcement. Therefore, I would like to share this win with my fellow Malaysians.

“Thank you so much for the endless support and unconditional love. To the Seoul organizing committee and panel of judges for recognizing my work and the international exposure.

“Not forgetting to my winning colleagues for raising the bar so we all are encouraged to work harder and to always be better versions of ourselves. Stay safe everyone and take care. Thank you so much. Kamsahamnida.

#asiamodelawards,” tulisnya dalam berbahasa Inggeris.

Sekadar informasi, pelakon dan model jelita Amelia Henderson telah menerima anugerah untuk kategori yang sama, pada edisi tahun lalu.

Foto: Instagram Siti Saleha