Melalui laman Instagram, Diana Danielle berkongsi kesakitan yang dialami.
Menyifatkan penderitaan yang menimpa adalah yang paling teruk pernah dirasai, kata aktres jelita ini, sakitnya seperti keguguran bayi.
“Oh my god, last night I had something really unexplainable happen and it was so sudden.
“I had the worst cramps on my lower back AND my lower abdominal area that when it happened naturally I would start to slef massage to soothe the area, but my pelvic area was so tender and sore that pressing on it hurt so much.
“It started with the middle part of my spine, felt an incredible stiffness that when I lie down and move in a certain angle, my back had this stiff and sore pain, an hour after that the overwhelming cramp took over.
“ I swear I could feel as if I had a miscarriage (but it wasnt the case), I tried to stand up and stretch my body but i was left like a hunchback and had to lie down and wait for it to go away (2 hours of waiting in agony).
“Has anybody ever felt this way? I was finally able to sleep and woke up slightly better but an area of my back still hurts. If in TCM would it be considered cold-wind? Help,” tulisnya panjang lebar.
Bimbang dengan situasi cemas ini, pelakon utama Raisha ini mendapatkan rawatan doktor dan mengesahkan ia berpunca daripada kurang rehat.
Kesibukan kerja dan jadual yang padat menyebabkan ototnya mengalami kekejangan secara tiba-tiba.
“UPDATED : my doctor friend says i may be experiencing muscle spasms along my spine due to limited rest, so am gonna take it easy & i have my muscle relaxant on standby. This calls for a trip to the chiro.
Moga Diana cepat sembuh dan boleh kembali kerja seperti biasa.
Foto: Instagtam Diana Danielle
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