“Love You So Much!,”- Nadiyah Shahab Titip Ucapan Hari Jadi Buat Imamnya, Siap Berpelukan Di Itali!


Pelakon, Nadiyah Shahab ada menitip ucapan hari jadi buat suami tercinta, Ben Ali yang kini sudah genap mencecah usia 29 tahun.

Kongsi pemilik nama sebenar Sharifah Nadiyah Syed Fuad Al Shahab ini, dia bersyukur kerana Ben menjadi peneman hidupnya.

“Happy 29th birthday my sweetheart.

“4 years together and I still think the sun shines out of your ass.

“It’s funny my adoration for you grows everyday when in truth I was kinda expecting to get bored after marriage HAHA! 

“Turns out you’re ten times more fun, even sillier now, infinitely more loving and could it possibly be that you’re funnier too? A life with you to annoy me everyday is the BEST life and isn’t it great I finally get your jokes?

“Love you so much my living walking giant teddy bear, I live for the soft marshmallow that envelops your being and may you achieve your “by-30” goals this year baby! Continue to be the inspiring spirit that you are, you’ll always be the most spectacular human being in my world,” tulis Nadiyah sambil disertakan foto berpelukan bersama Ben di Itali.

Lalu, netizen turut menitip ucapan buat Ben yang merupakan pengasas kek.

Untuk rekod, pasangan ini berkahwin pada 10 November 2018.

Nadiyah turut menerima wang hantaran berjumlah RM45,000 selain menyerahkan lima dulang hantaran berbalas jumlah sama daripada pengantin lelaki.

Foto : Instagram Nadiyah Shahab