Isu kebersihan berkaitan makanan memang sudah selalu berlaku di negara kita. Walaupun sudah banyak diperkatakan, namun masih ramai pengusaha yang memandang ringan mengenainya.

Beberapa hari lepas, negara dikejutkan dengan berita restoran yang menggunakan air lopak untuk membersihkan pinggan makanan.

Berikutan itu, pihak restoran tersebut mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa pekerja yang terlibat adalah pekerja baru dan segera meminta maaf. Mereka juga turut diarahkan tutup serta merta.


Susulan insiden tersebut, chef selebriti, Datuk Redzuawan Ismail atau Chef Wan memberikan pandangan beliau terhadap perkara tersebut.

“I am so disgusted looking at all these workers at the Raj’s Banana restaurant in Bangsar washing their food tray in that filthy pool of water!

“Nasib ada orang yang expose all this yang became viral otherwise we will have all that bacteria in our stomach or worms! Pengotor sungguh la.

“Macam mana owner dia boleh tak nampak pekerjapekerja mereka washing up macam ni. That is why saya selalu takut nak makan tempattempat macam ni as I simply cannot trust and expose my health if I didn’t find them really clean and meet my standard.

“Dah macam cuci dalam air longkang yang bertakung pulak itu. Sadly to say this restaurant will have to pay a heavy price for its own negligence and tak jaga public safety and hygiene.

“The whole scene is a shocking and total embarrassment to this country! I hope this is a lesson to other restaurants or warong makananmakanan yang jenis pengotor ini to buckle up.

“Bukan saja dishwasher same goes to all chefs yang ada sikap pengotor dan tak hormat makanan pun ramai out there.

“Raw food is not refrigerated and let out in the kitchen exposed to flies and deadly temperature which will accelerate the growth of bacteria that result in food poisoning too.

“I see this a lot in my life. Some chefs are just careless and have this attitude ‘don’t care’. Sanitation and personal hygiene langsung tak ada,” luahnya kesal.

Dalam pada itu, Chef Wan turut berkongsi bagaimana dia mendidik anak-anak buahnya semasa bekerja.


“Our kitchen is very clean no matter how busy we are. All my Malay chefs’ kitchen team work really hard and are very disciplined.

“Mana budak-budak baru masuk tak betul aja sure kena tegur baik-baik dari saya and I teach and advice them.

“Jika tak dengar yang tua bangka macam semalam tu baru saya mengamuk. Itu baru sedikit belum tengok saya jadi Gordon Ramsay! I tell u i am capable of being him too.

“Pantang saya cakap baikbaik dan nasihat tak mau dengar. I don’t have time for anyone to show me their ‘taring’ and true colors. We are all here to do the best job we can and all our hotel guests satisfaction mesti jaga!” tulisnya lagi.

Morning i am so disgusted looking at all this workers at the Raj’s Banana restaurant in Bangsar washing their food tray in that filthy pool of water! Nasib ada org yg expose all this yg became viral otherwise we will have all that bacteria in our stomach or worms! Pengotor sungguh la. Mcm mana owner dia boleh tak nampak pekerja2 mereka washing up mcm ni. That is why saya selalu takut nak makan tempat2 mcm ni as i simply cannot trust and expose my health jika i didnt find them really clean and meet my standard. Dah mcm cuci dalam air longkang yg bertakung pulak itu. Sadly to say this restaurant will have to pay a heavy price for its own negligence and tak jaga public safety and hygience. The whole scene is shocking and total embarrasement to this country! I hope this is a lesson to other restaurants or warong makanan2 yg jenis pengotor ini to buckle up. Bukan saja dishwasher same goes to all chefs yg ada sikap pengotor dan tak hormat makanan pun ramai out there. Raw food are not refrigerated and let out in the kitchen exposed to flies and deadly temperature which will accelerate the growth of bacteria that result in food poisoning too. I see this alot in my life. Some chefs are just careless and have this attitude ” dont care”. Sanitation and personal hygience langsung tak ada. At the Mandarin Oriental kitchen every half hour ada org bersih kan meja2 dan mop kan lantai supaya bersih dan tidak berbau. Our kitchen is very clean no matter how busy we are. The steward department will do this for us. That is why 3 tahun saya disini walau pun di jemput oleh many hotels in KL to be their guest chef tapi saya tolak. All my Malay chefs kitchen team work really hard and are very decipline. Mana budak2 baru masuk tak betul aja sure kena tegur baik2 dari saya and i teach and advice them. Jika tak dengar yg tua bangka mcm semlm tu baru saya mengamuk. Itu baru sedikit belum tengok saya jadi Gordon Ramsay! I tell u i am capable of being him too. Pantang saya cakap baik2 dan nasihat tak mau dengar. I dont have time for anyone to show me their ” Taring” and true colors. We are all here to do the best job we can and all our hotel guests satisfaction mesti jaga!

A post shared by chef wan (@_chefwan58) on


Sebagai seorang chef, tentu dia kecewa melihat ada segelintir pihak yang ambil lewa soal kebersihan di dapur. Yalah, bak kata beliau, personal hygiene itu penting.

Apa-apapun, MH harap agak kepada pengusaha-pengusaha makanan lain akan mengambil iktibar daripada insiden yang terjadi ini.

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