Berpantang merupakan antara proses yang harus dilalui oleh para ibu sejurus sahaja mereka melahirkan cahaya mata.
Tidak kisahlah sama ada berpantang secara moden atau tradisional, tujuannya tetap sama iaitu bagi memastikan keadaan tubuh badan kembali sihat seperti sedia kala.
Bagaimanapun, menurut usahawan popular, Vivy Yusof, sepanjang melahirkan empat orang cahaya mata, dia pernah melalui proses berpantang secara secara penuh dan begitu juga sebaliknya.
Katanya lagi, selepas melahirkan cahaya mata kedua, dia lebih selesa untuk menjalani tempoh berpantang mengikut caranya sendiri.
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“Day 15/365: You better pantang properly, I get told everyday. If you’re not familiar with tradition, everytime a mom gives birth, she has to observe confinement (pantang) for at least 30 days. Lots of herbal stuff, ginger drinks, strictly no ice, hot stone massage everyday, super tight corset from day to night and socks on always. And no going out.
“I’ve been known to my loved ones (and maybe even you if you’ve been following me all four pregnancies) to cheat confinement. Every delivery I tell Fadza “Ok I’m gonna do it properly this time.” He just nods even though he knows it won’t happen – I’m just so stubborn.
“First delivery to Daniel, I did confinement at my parents’ place so there was no way I could cheat. The subsequent ones I learned to do it at my own house, where my mom couldn’t watch me like a hawk,” tulisnya.
Perkara tersebut dikongsikan sendiri oleh pemilik jenama The Duck Group itu menerusi seuah hantaran yang dimuat naik di laman Instagram.
Tambahnya lagi, dia sebenarnya tidak berniat untuk bersikap culas ketika sedang berpantang, namun, ada kalanya dia berasa sedikit janggal kerana harus duduk di rumah tanpa melakukan sebarang pekerjaan.
Malah, dia juga sudah terbiasa dengan rutin hariannya yang sentiasa aktif dalam melakukan pelbagai perkara.
“It’s not that I don’t want to rest properly, of course I do! I love the rituals and I do them, but my only challenge is the sitting down and doing nothing part. Once I feel like my body has healed and even the doctor has cleared me to do normal things again, I am itching to go back to work and my normal routine.
“Then I’ll get lectured by mom and mil. “Matsalehs where got pantang2 like this, and they’re fine,” I would argue with them. #prayformymoms
“My life has always been go go go that staying home and not working for 30 or 44 days is really hard for me. I live with my CEO so hearing his online meetings make me super fomo and the problems that arise I immediately want to fix too,” ujarnya lagi.
Ibu kepada empat orang cahaya mata ini turut menambah, dia juga berasa kesian dengan suaminya, Fadza Anuar yang harus menguruskan mengenai keperluan anak-anaknya yang masih bersekolah meskipun dipenuhi dengan jadual kerja yang agak padat.
“And there’s always something – appointments, deadlines, store openings, important work opportunities that come there and then. As an entrepreneur, sure got something.
“On top of that, I have 3 other kids who need haircuts, school supplies, playdates, etc that I feel so bad to just pass to Fadza completely (when he’s super busy himself!).
“A full pantang seems impossible in this day and age, to be honest. How do you just rest and sit… without feeling guilty? Helppppp!,” akhirinya.
Terdahulu, Vivy atau nama sebenarnya Vivy Sofinas Yusof telah selamat melahirkan cahaya mata keempatnya pada tanggal 23 November 2021.
Bayi lelaki tersebut telah diberi nama Idris Ali Shah.
Sekadar informasi, Fadza dan Vivy telah pun mendirikan rumah tangga mereka pada 2012 dan terlebih dahulu dikurniakan tiga orang cahaya mata iaitu Daniel Azim Shah, Mariam Iman Shah dan Sarah Ilham Shah.
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Sumber: Instagram Vivy Yusof
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