Sebut sahaja Adam Autism Family, tentu ramai yang teringatkan sikap Adam Wan yang tidak menentu kerana sakit Autismnya itu.

Melalui perkongsian bapa Adam iaitu Iwan Wan, 52, di Instagram miliknya, semakin ramai buka mata mereka mengenai penyakit ‘autism’ ini.

Jika dahulu ada yang memandang serong anak-anak atau orang yang sering ‘tantrum’ kerana beranggapan ibu bapa tidak tahu menjaga anak mereka, kini sudah ramai yang memandang penuh pengertian.

“Teruk Mana Pun Ibu Bapa Menderita, Anak-Anak 10 Kali Lagi Teruk’- Luahan Jujur Iman Wan Besarkan Anak Autism

Bak kata orang, berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul. Mungkin itulah yang sering dirasakan oleh ahli keluarga Adam setiap hari berhadapan dengan sikapnya yang tidak mengerti.


Terbaru, Iwan yang juga merupakan seorang bekas komposer memuat naik video dirinya mempunyai lebam-lebam di badan dek kerana ‘tantrum’ Adam.

“We are pretty sure there are some parents of teenagers with Autism out there who can relate to this. We also understand if some of you are ashamed, in pain, frustrated, feeling helpless and even angry.

“That’s why some parents may reluctantly send the child away for others to handle, while some may lock their child up. Some fathers will even hit their child back. It’s never easy.

“For us, we have gone thru the entire process, thinking about every option possible like putting Adam away in special homes, from feeling ashamed, frustrated, angry, and till now feeling 100% at peace.

“We are able to be humorous about it nowadays. We believe we have come full circle as Autism parents. As much as we are struggling, we know for a fact that our son is struggling even more.

“With that in mind, we have actually learned how to handle and manage Adam so much better. We are mentally, spiritually, and physically more prepared. Well maybe on the physical part, we can improve.

“It’s a motivation for us to keep fit. We are more knowledgeable in dealing with our son’s tantrums and meltdowns. As a matter of fact, we feel more empowered and equipped these days than ever before,” tulisnya.

Dalam pada itu, Iwan turut menegaskan bahawa perkongsiannya itu bukanlah untuk meraih simpati sebaliknya ingin memberi kesedaran kepada masyarakat.

“The video is not shown witan h intention to ask for sympathy but to create awareness, and hope to somewhat get the attention of the government so they know there are many families out there suffering daily in similar situations.

“We also hope to inspire parents that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Getting marks and scars on our hands are parts and puzzle of our life. Everyone goes through all kinds of battles in their lives.

“Ours is raising Adam, it’s not that bad after all. We truly believe we are winning the battle. Victory is visible. Nothing’s gonna stop us now, God willing. We are connecting and engaging with Adam so much better now. We truly understand Adam and his conditions. And he knows that. Alhamdulillah,” tulisnya lagi.

We are pretty sure there are some parents of teenagers with Autism out there who can relate to this. We also understand if some of you are ashamed, in pain, frustrated, feeling helpless and even angry. That’s why some parents may reluctantly send the child away for others to handle, while some may lock their child up. Some fathers will even hit their child back. It’s never easy. . For us, we have gone thru the entire process, thinking about every option possible like putting Adam away in special homes, from feeling ashamed, frustrated, angry, and till now feeling 100% at peace. We are able to be humorous about it nowadays. We believe we have come full circle as Autism parents. As much as we are struggling, we know for a fact that our son is struggling even more. With that in mind we have actually learned how to handle and manage Adam so much better. We are mentally, spiritually, and physically more prepared. Well maybe on the physical part, we can improve. It’s a motivation for us to keep fit. We are more knowledgeable in dealing with our son’s tantrums and meltdowns. As a matter of fact we feel more empowered and equipped these days than ever before. . The video is not shown with intention to ask for sympathy but to create awareness, and hope to somewhat get the attention of the government so they know there are many families out there suffering daily in similar situations. We also hope to inspire parents that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Getting marks and scars on our hands are parts and puzzle of our life. Everyone goes through all kinds of battles in their lives. Ours is raising Adam, it’s not that bad after all. We truly believe we are winning the battle. Victory is visible. Nothing’s gonna stop us now, God willing. We are connecting and engaging with Adam so much better now. We truly understand Adam and his conditions. And he knows that. Alhamdulillah. . #adamsautismfamily #autismfamily #autismlife #autismparents #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autismunderstanding #ourchildneedus #autismfriendlygovernment @idanixh @raihana_aof @arenalieya @kpwkm @kempendidikan @kementeriankesihatanmalaysia @chedetofficial

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Sementara itu, di ‘posting’ lain pula, Iwan turut menasihati para ibu bapa agar banyak bersabar dan berfikir dengan tenang dalam hal melibatkan anak-anak.

“Indeed we the parents suffer, but you know what? As much as we struggle, our child struggles 10x more. You can’t imagine what goes on in the mind of a non verbal autistic child dealing with severe sensory processing disorder and not being able to control at all.

“The thing is when it comes, it comes, in the split of a second, the child’s mind becomes a battle field. So the next time you feel like cursing or hitting the child. Think again.” tulisnya lagi.

Indeed we the parents suffer, but you know what? As much as we struggle, our child struggles 10x more. You can’t imagine what goes on in the mind of a non verbal autistic child dealing with severe sensory processing disorder and not being able to control at all. The thing is when it comes, it comes, in the split of a second, the child’s mind becomes a battle field. So the next time you feel like cursing or hitting the child. Think again. . #adamsautismfamily #autismfamily #autismlife #autismparents #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autismunderstanding #autismfriendly #meltdowns #sensoryprocessingdisorder #sensoryoverload #occupationaltherapy #patience @idanixh @raihana_aof @arenalieya @charlenemariesa @rutharunasalam @kpwkm @kempendidikan @kementeriankesihatanmalaysia @chedetofficial

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Tidak dinafikan bahawa anak-anak autism ada ketikanya boleh bertindak agresif dan MH teringat anak kembar pelakon, Zarina Zainuddin.

Sememangnya MH sangat ‘salute’ kepada ibu bapa yang menjaga anak-anak autism ini.

Sumber dan Foto: Instagram Adam Autism Family


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