Isu ‘body-shaming’ memang kerap berlaku sekarang terutamanya di media sosial. Sangat menyedihkan apabila melihat mangsa-mangsa yang hilang keyakinan apabila dibuli berkaitan dengan tubuh badan mereka ini.
Tidak tahan melihat senario ini membuatkan bekas pelajar cemerlang 2004, Dr Amalina Bakri memuat naik satu bebenang di laman Twitter miliknya mengenai isu ini.
“Let’s promote self-love and acceptance. Let’s us celebrate equality and diversity. The world is going to be so dull if everyone looks the same, no matter what your colour is, what your weight/height is.
“Be grateful with what you have and be confident,” tulisnya.
Dia juga sempat menitipkan pesanan buat mereka-mereka yang kurang keyakinan diri.
Let’s promote self-love and acceptance, let’s us celebrate equality and diversity, the world is going to be so dull if everyone looks the same, no matter what your colour is, what your weight/height is, be grateful with what you have and be confident.
— Dr. Amalina (@DrAmalinaBakri) May 2, 2018
“Remember, you need to love yourself first before people can love you. Spread love and never think that other people are inferior to you just because of their superficial appearance.
“After all, we are all human being trying to live in this world in peace. Diversity also goes beyond superficial appearance, we need to promote acceptance, no matter what you believe in, what your background, what your gender is.
“How you want to live your lives, please respect each other and stop imposing your desires and belief on other people,” tulisnya lagi.
Sementara itu, Amalina juga turut berkongsi kisah bagaimana dia mendapat banyak pujian oleh orang di Eropah kerana warna kulitnya.
Diversity also goes beyond superficial appearance, we need to promote acceptance, no matter what you believe in, what your background is, what your gender is, how you want to live your lives, please respect each other and stop imposing your desires and beliefs on other people.
— Dr. Amalina (@DrAmalinaBakri) May 2, 2018
“Sejujurnya saya dapat banyak pujian kerana warna kulit saya di sini dan orang kulit putih sangat sukakannya. Jadi, kenapa lelaki melayu tak boleh berfikiran sama?
“Sebelum korang semua bising, saya nak tekankan bahawa tidak semua lelaki melayu berfikiran begitu okay!” tulisnya lagi.
Before you all go haywire with this statement, I was just answering a question, of course not all Malay men are like that.
— Dr. Amalina (@DrAmalinaBakri) May 2, 2018
Haa…panjang nasihat yang diberikan oleh Amalina. Pada MH, ada betulnya apa yang dikatakannya, kita kenalah ‘confident’ dengan diri kita dan pedulikan apa orang kata.
Kalau nak dengar je apa orang kata memang tak kan tenang hidup. Oleh itu, ‘live life and be confident’ okay!
sumber: Twitter
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