“I Will Be Moving On With My Life Without Aliff,” – Bella Astillah Beri Bayangan Mahu Bercerai?


Akhirnya, selepas kontroversi panas melibatkan suami, Aliff Aziz didakwa curang buat sekelian kalinya, Bella Astillah mengeluarkan kenyataan yang nyata melegakan hati netizen.

Bella sebelum ini nekad memaafkan kesalahan suami, nyata tidak lagi berlembut hati kali ini.

Mengakui, acapkali digelar ‘biggest idiot in the world’ gara-gara mahu mempertahankan rumah tangga yang sudah di hujung tanduk.

Dia nekad mahu meneruskan hidup tanpa suami disisi.


“Thank you for your thoughts and opinions on my struggling marriage, it has not been easy at all, but I know some of you have good intentions for reaching out to me while some are just malicious for calling me out as being the biggest idiot in the world for trying to uphold my fallen marriage. .

It has taken me everything, mentally and physically, to finally come to the decision that I will be moving on with my life without Aliff, if I want it to improve in any way at all for my son.”

Malah, dia memohon agar netizen berhenti menghantar mesej atau menelefonnya buat masa ini.

I would sincerely appreciate it if the public would stop sending me dms, calling, and messaging me to further talk and speculate on this issue.

“I’ve given you a piece of my mind, all I ask is that you respect my decision and give me some space while I go through these trying times. .

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

“Moving on with my little soldier. Thank you for all the support especially my family ??” @bellagurdians,” tulisnya.

Semoga yang baik-baik sahaja untuk Bella dan anak.

Foto : Instagram Bella Astillah