Pelakon, Natasha Hudson akhirnya tampil memberikan penjelasan mengenai status dirinya yang dikatakan sudah kembali solo.
Katanya, dia dan suaminya, Carleed Khaza atau Khalid Kamal sudah bercerai secara baik pada tahun ini.
“Saya sudah bergelar solo dan kami berpisah secara baik. Maaf buat masa ini, saya tidak dapat mengulas lebih terperinci mengenai perpisahan kami.
“Saya harap semua pihak beri saya dan keluarga ruang untuk menyelesaikan perkara berkaitan terlebih dahulu,” katanya kepada Harian Metro.
Dalam pada itu, menerusi satu entri, kelihatan Natasha memberikan penjelasan mengenai keadaan dirinya.
“With courage to write this today, So many have been asking, if I am okay. I am Alhamdulillah. I am contained and content.
“I am moving, moving on with life. I know my writing can be so deep that you may think that it’s a quote or such.
“But you truly need to read between the line. Most days I write about me or what I observe. How I feel is a way I express it in my writings. Truly I am okay.
“I just thought that I would like to say a thing or two about relationships. Take it easy no matter what. It’s not the end of the world. This applies to mine.
“I am now alone again, alone for some time now n I don’t think anyone who supports me should be sad, not you nor me. I have build strength to search for a better life by keeping myself busy and contributing to the ummah, I channel it’s all different.
“It’s written and this means growth to me. We are who we tested are being given chances to learn from our failure and I am not ashamed at such a young age that I have to end another marriage so that I could grow and just gain happiness.
“Ending shouldn’t be sad. It should be handled maturely, mutually, wisely. We are here temporarily still searching for our real purpose. Because life is so short we can only pray for the best of ourselves and others.
“We will always be a work in progress. Remember this, maktub..it is written,” tulisnya.
Namun begitu, entri tersebut telahpun di padam daripada laman Instagramnya.
Natasha dan penyanyi dan komposer muzik, Carleed berkahwin pada April 2012 dan ia adalah perkahwinan ketiganya.
Hasil perkongsian hidup dengan Carleed, Natasha dikurniakan dua cahaya mata iaitu Naeema Kalila dan Faatimah. Dalam perkahwinan terdahulu, Natasha memiliki seorang anak, Neesa Helena.
Foto/Instagram: Natasha Hudson
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