Ibu mana yang tidak gembira apabila anaknya berjaya dalam pelajaran sekali gus mengharumkan nama keluarga terutama ibu dan bapa.

Anak sulung kepada pelakon, penerbit dan pengarah, Datuk Ziela Jalil, Puteri Julia Nabilah kini sudah bergelar doktor.

Berita gembira ini dikongsikan sendiri oleh Ziela di akaun instagramnya pada pagi Ahad yang lalu.


Menurut daripada perkongsian Ziela yang memuat naik semula posting anaknya di Instagram, Julia melanjutkan pelajarannya di Royal College of Surgeons di Ireland pada tahun 2012 dan telah menamatkan pengajiannya tahun ini.

Kata Julia lagi, kejayaannya pada hari ini adalah untuk Allahyarham bapanya iaitu bekas Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna, Megat Junid Megat Ayob.


” @juliamjunid: …


“I flew to Dublin in September 2012 to start my first year at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI). 5 years of blood, sweat and tears (literally) went by and today I’m finally graduating as a Doctor. There were ups and downs the whole way to get to where I stand today, but it was all worth it. I know I’ve got longer paths ahead of me, many other hurdles to get by, but Alhamdulillah I thank Allah for blessing me every inch of the way so far to reach this point, for I can never be here without His grace and blessings, and i pray that He remains with me every step of the way. At moments where i felt i needed a miracle to get through the tough times, He would always show me that glimmer of light.


“Mama and Allahyarham Abah, this is especially for the both of you, and I hope I’ve made both of you proud. Thank you Maa, berkat doa Mama yg x pernah putus. Thank you Allah for blessing me with this amazing woman i have the privilege of calling my mother. Thank you to my supportive family and friends. Those who have helped me all the way and kept by my side. To the support i had during my time in Dublin, and during most of my time in Penang, you know who you are, and I owe alot of my achievements to you.


“Thank you for all who have prayed and supported me, to my teachers from the Alice Smith School, my lecturers in RCSI and PMC and to everyone who believed in me.


“Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Yaa Rabb… I can never be thankful enough. Thank you. Here’s to the beginning of yet another journey as a servant of Allah and as a servant of the people. May Allah ease everything.. Aamiin


Dr. Puteri Julia Nabilah
Class of 2017,” tulisnya.

Kami di MH Online juga ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan tahniah buat Julia dan semoga Julia lebih berjaya pada masa akan datang.


Sumber: Instagram Ziela Jalil

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