Personaliti media sosial yang juga merupakan pemilik jenama kosmetik BeuTYRA, Tyra Kamaruzzaman hari ini berkongsi khabar gembira apabila mengumumkan dia kini berjaya memiliki kereta pertamanya pada usia 21 tahun.

Menurut Tyra, dia seakan tidak percaya akan perkara berkenaan namun menyifatkan ia adalah sebagai hadiah buat dirinya yang telah bekerja keras selama ini.

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My very first car, a self reward from myself to me! It still feels surreal because it felt like it happened abruptly. . . . This wouldn’t have happened without the team that I have working hard alongside with me for @beautyraofficial , my parent’s powerful doa, my family’s endless support and what’s most important is the support I have gotten endlessly from my dearest Beaubabies. The people who support and purchase @beautyraofficial ‘s items. Thank you to you. I won’t be where I am now without all of you. . . Also a huge thanks to @ashmaann from Cycle&Carriage Petaling Jaya for assisting me throughout. I highly recommend him if you are planning to buy a @mercedesbenzmalaysia . 21 & my very own first car. Alhamdulillah ♥️🦋

A post shared by Mariposa (@tyrakmrzmn) on

“My very first car, a self reward from myself to me!

“It still feels surreal because it felt like it happened abruptly,” tulisnya.

Dalam pada itu, Tyra turut berterima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah menyokongnya terutama buat kedua ibu bapanya yang tidak putus-putus mengirimkan doa.

“This wouldn’t have happened without the team that I have working hard alongside with me for @beautyraofficial , my parent’s powerful doa, my family’s endless support and what’s most important is the support I have gotten endlessly from my dearest Beaubabies,” katanya lagi.

Sementara itu, Tyra turut merakamkan ucapan penghargaan buat semua pelanggan setia produk BeuTYRA kerana tanpa mereka dia tidak akan berada di mana posisinya ketika ini.

“The people who support and purchase @beautyraofficial ‘s items.

“Thank you to you. I won’t be where I am now without all of you.

“Also a huge thanks to @ashmaann from Cycle&Carriage Petaling Jaya for assisting me throughout.

“I highly recommend him if you are planning to buy a @mercedesbenzmalaysia .

“21 & my very own first car. Alhamdulillah, kongsinya lagi.

Kisah tersebut dikongsikan Tyra menerusi akaun Instagram miliknya.

Entri tersebut ternyata menarik perhatian umum selepas meraih hampir 50,000 tanda suka malah turut dihujani ribuan komen.

Melihat di ruangan komen, rata-rata netizen dan rakan selebriti minitipkan ucapan tahniah selain turut mendoakan kejayaan Tyra pada masa akan datang.

Sumber: Instagram Tyra Kamaruzzaman

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