
Ucapan Hazama Untuk Isteri Buat Peminat Cair, Selamat Ulang Tahun!


Setiap isteri pasti akan rasa seperti wanita paling bahagia dalam dunia bila si suami memberikan ucapan dan kata-kata manis kan?

Aduh cair teruk peminat-peminat penyanyi popular, Hazama selepas membaca ucapan ulangtahun perkahwinan yang pertama buat isterinya, Genervie Kam.

“Pada tanggal 15hb jan 2017 sy mengambil keputusan utk terus tinggal di hati awak.. dan harini genaplah setahun usia perkahwinan kita.. maafkanlah kekurangan sy sepanjang perkahwinan kita.. terima kasih sbb byk bersabar dgn sy.. dan terima kasih sbb selalu menyintai sy.. selamat ulang tahun sayang @generviekam semoga syurga yg kita bina akan sampai ke jannah… amin #1anniversary #usiaperkahwinankami #akusayangbiniaku #semogakekal,” tulis Hazama.

Ruang komen perkongsian Hazama pula dipenuhi dengan ucapan tahniah dan doa yang baik-baik untuk rumah tangganya.

mrhalilpotter: Happy Anniversary to you my idol @mrhazama1 & wife … May Allah swt always bless ur marriage with a blissful marriage till the Jannah …. Insyaallah …. Aamiin3x YRA

ixoradeqna: semoga kekal ke syurga jannah..amin @mrhazama1 dan @generviekam

ratuaudiy_andaraa: ameen.. smg sentiasa dirahmati dan dilindungi Allah s. w. t perkahwinan kalian dan smg sentiasa berjaya utk hazama..

MH juga sempat meninjau akaun Instagram milik isteri Hazama dan Genervie juga turut memberi ucapan ulangtahun perkahwinan buat suaminya.

“Last year, we decided the craziest thing… to get married within 1 week and we did. And now, a year has gone by as husband and wife. Marriage is one of the hardest journey. It is more than a commitment. It is a covenant. It is easy to get married. But it is tough to stay married.


“This 1 year has been full of ups and downs, learning to adjust to living with another person (and the family)… different up bringing, different habits. This 1 year has taught me many things. As an independent woman, I learnt to submit to my husband. I had to learn to allow him to make decisions (even when it is the wrong one).


“I learnt the meaning of patience, sacrifice and forgiveness. Praying for patience is one thing. But practicing patience is another thing. I still fail many times. It is easy to get tit for tat when communication breaks down (to get the other person to understand). But yet we know that’s not the best solution. I also learnt never to calculate who does “more”.


“It is very easy to fall into this trap and I am often guilty of it. This usually happens when frustration steps in. “I only want you to understand how I feel” is a very common statement in a marriage. We often pray for our partner’s weaknesses, but yet we wish God answered it immediately. At the end of the day, no marriage is smooth sailing. It is a journey. It is hard work. 1 year has gone by.


“I pray that God will open our eyes to the things He wants us to change in our lives and give us the patience to wait for that change to happen. Change is a process. And change begins with ourselves. I pray that God will turn our weaknesses to our strength, and use it to help other people. Help us to focus on each others strengths instead of mistakes.


“May Your grace be upon us. Guide us and help us to always stay focused on You and not be distracted by what other people say. What You say only matters. Bless us in ways we cannot imagine abd shut doors which are not meant for us. Teach us to trust Your ways. Your plans are always better. Help us not to lean on our own understanding. Do not let our emotions to dictate our actions. Remind us that Your promises are always greater than our problems. Happy 1st anniversary ?,” tulis Genervie.

MH doakan agar masjid yang dibina akan berkekalan hingga ke jannah dan sentiasa diberi keberkatan dari ALLAH SWT.

Sumber: Instagram Hazama & Genervie