Wah nampaknya hubungan cinta yang dibina antara dua selebriti Korea Selatan sejak dari tahun 2015 ini semakin utuh apabila Taeyang, anggota Big Bang sendiri telah mengumumkan dia bakal mengahwini teman wanitanya, Min Hyo Rin.

Taeyang, Big Bang Umum Kahwini Teman Wanita, Hyo Rin

Menurut sumber, pasangan tersebut merancang untuk berkahwin pada Februari 2018 dan kini sedang rancak membuat persiapan bersama.

Mereka juga dikatakan ingin melangsungkan perkahwinan sebelum Taeyang menjalani latihan ketenteraan. 


Selebriti itu juga berkongsi berita gembira dengan memuatnaik gambar beliau dan Hyo Rin yang merupakan seorang pelakon di akaun Instagram miliknya bersama kapsyen memohon restu dan berterima kasih kepada peminat mereka.

안녕하세요. 태양입니다. 오늘 제 인생에 있어 가장 중요하고 행복한 약속을 여러분들께 알리려고 합니다. 4년이라는 오랜시간동안 늘 한결같이 제 곁을 지켜준 민효린씨와 앞으로의 여생을 함께 하기로 맹세했습니다. 힘들 때나 좋을 때나 언제나 변치않고 저를 믿어준 사람이기에 이제는 그녀와 함께 아름다운 가정을 꾸리고 싶습니다. 그동안 서로 마주보며 다져온 사랑을, 앞으로도 둘이 같이 한곳을 바라보며 걸어가겠습니다. 저를 가족처럼 아껴주신 모든 팬분들과 빅뱅 멤버들 그리고 YG 식구들, 관계자 분들 진심으로 감사드립니다. 앞으로 더욱 책임감있고 겸손한 모습으로 살아가겠습니다. 태양과 민효린 저희 두 사람이 마주할 앞 날을 축복해 주시면 감사하겠습니다. Hello everyone, this is Taeyang. Today, I want to share with you guys about the most important and joyful promise I have made in my life. I have pledged to spend the rest of my life with Min Hyorin, the one who has always stuck by me for the past four years. Through all the good times and the bad times, she has always believed in me and now I look forward to making a beautiful life together. To all the fans who always treated me as if I was family, to all of my Big Bang members, to all of my YG family, to everyone I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with and meet, I want to say THANK YOU. I will continue to live my life with responsibility and humility. My hope is that you will continue to support us and give your blessings for our future ahead as a couple.

A post shared by TAEYANG (@__youngbae__) on


“Hello everyone, this is Taeyang. Today, I want to share with you guys about the most important and joyful promise I have made in my life. I have pledged to spend the rest of my life with Min Hyorin, the one who has always stuck by me for the past four years.



“Through all the good times and the bad times, she has always believed in me and now I look forward to making a beautiful life together. To all the fans who always treated me as if I was family, to all of my Big Bang members, to all of my YG family, to everyone I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with and meet, I want to say THANK YOU.



“I will continue to live my life with responsibility and humility. My hope is that you will continue to support us and give your blessings for our future ahead as a couple.” tulisnya di laman tersebut.

Ruangan komen di Instagram Taeyang dihujani pelbagai reaksi daripada sebahagian kira-kira 8.2 juta pengikutnya di laman sosial yang begitu teruja dan meninggalkan komen mengucapkan tahniah.

Perkongsian itu juga telah menerima lebih daripada 1.3 juta likes. Rata-rata pengikutnya turut meluahkan rasa gembira buat penyanyi itu.


Terdahulu, mereka mula bercinta selepas bertemu pada tahun 2013 ketika menjalani rakaman muzik Taeyang iaitu lagu Eyes, Nose, Lips.

Jom #MHBelanjaVideo klip Eyes, Nose, Lips untuk korang. 107 juta tontonan di Youtube guys! Taeyang juga mendedahkan lagu tersebut adalah mengenai teman wanitanya. Oh so sweet!

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