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‘Gentlemen’ Habis Bila KJ Bagi Amanat Kepada Syed Saddiq! Big Respect!


Kemenangan Ahli Parlimen Muar, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman seolah sudah dijangka oleh rakyat Malaysia.

Dia merupakan salah seorang ‘favourite’ serta sangat lantang bersuara mempertahankan Malaysia terutamanya anak muda.

Berikutan itu, Ketua Pemuda Umno, Khairy Jamaluddin dilihat memberikan amanat buat Syed saddiq khususnya mengenai masa depan anak muda.

“Tahniah YB, tolong jagakan anak muda, saya serahkan kepada anda sekarang,”tulisnya.

Sebelum itu, Syed Saddiq dilihat memberikan ‘tweet’ kepada Khairy menyatakan keterujaannya untuk bekerjasama dengan Bekas Menteri Belia Dan Sukan itu.

“Looking forward to engage with you in the Parliament sir, You’,ve build a formidable portfolio in forwading youth agenda especially in sport,”tulisnya.

Dalam pada itu, MH tertarik dengan kapsyen Instagram Khairy mengenai PRU14 yang berlangsung semalam.

“I love my country and I’ve had the honour of serving my country and it is because of my abiding love for Malaysia that I also respect the will of our people.

“The people have spoken and they have spoken loud and clear. We tried our best but our best was simply not good enough.

“To those that still support us, I’m sorry we’ve let you down. To those that did not, I respect your decision,” tulisnya.

Tambah Khairy lagi, dia mengucapkan ‘all the best’ kepada kerajaan baru yang bakal mentadbir kelak.

“To the new government and its minister, look after the bless nation of ours. Every inch of its land ia worth fighting for.

“I will hold your accountable on behalf of our people as a member of the opposition. Just as you did previously.

“Let us show the world that Malaysia can be reunite after all its said and done. For all of us to build a better tomorrow.

“May god bless Malaysia forever!”tulisnya.

Sumber: Twitter dan IG KJ